Friday, June 3, 2016

When I Served My Country (contd...)


The ocean roared past my eyes like a bride hurrying late for her wedding. With mixed feelings; of joy, seeing the waters and of sorrow, imagining the up-hill task of fetching it back home, i turned and started the stroll back, making haste to complete the day's task ahead.
The sound of sweeping kept thrashing my ears as i got closer to my room! Dirty water flowed freely from the doorway. In semi-shock, i found two "mute" kids doing a perfect job; cleaning my "kitchen". These young ones were not actually mute, but English language was a far cry from their understanding. With this difficulty in communication, i simply crawled away from them and reoccupied my seat of authority in the Bull.
Truly, money is a language understood even by the dead. As i produced my wallet, they smiled. Of course, they understood that their labour was about to be rewarded. Quite awkwardly, i never knew who they were, because we could not communicate.
While i relieved the Bull of the load it carried, my "kitchen" kept frowning as it was almost filled already. "Knock, knock", the awe-inspiring figure showed up with a...hang on; is this a matress or a mat? Whatever it was, it was meant to be slept on. I received it with fake smiles and threw it on the floor as the figure rattled away.
As i looked for space to hang my numerous clothings, it was obvious I needed a carpenter to re-inforce the swinging wall hanger. Well, i doubt these people have any carpenter with equipments. Stones were everywhere, so, i walked towards one. I could do the job myself.
The stone seemed to follow my hand in a magnetic fashion. A shiny dark-tanned snake lay beneath it, starring at me with its head hanging!

I sluggishly picked up my diary. Before i could write anything, my dull eyelids unsuccessfully fought the urge to stay alive.

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