Friday, June 3, 2016

When I Served My Country (contd...)


The light flickered with the wind and got absorbed by the candle string. The man in white suttan strode to me in the semi-darkness. “Get ready for morning Mass”, he said with a toothy smile.
The hunters had noticed the glowing rosary on my neck and hurried my fainted lump out of the pit to a nearby Catholic church.

My attempt to rise with my left shoulder as a pivot failed; it was dislocated. The sharpness of the pain that followed caressed all the nerve roots in my feeble body. The priest noticed my pain and hurried to help me up. I practically limped to the front row and sat. In no time, shadows of worshippers sneaked up from behind me. Nobody dared join me on the front row. I felt like a man to be exhorcised…maybe I was.

“In Nomine Patris, et filio et spiritu sancto…”, the priest began in perfect Latin. That language has a way of compelling serenity…and hunger. You dare use it during a fast, then, you might lose your congregation. I just wish the priest understood how hungry I already was.

“Dominus vobiscum”, Mass had come to an end…I had slept throughout and nobody bugged me. When the congregation had fizzled out, the priest re-emerged from the vestry and walked towards me, smiling as he strode. I touched my pockets, they had been emptied by God-knows-who. No wallet. My wrist strap and time piece had gone astray too. The screen of my Nokia C7 had been shattered, during the fall, I guess. I kept starring at it until the priest sat beside me. That feeling of being followed by a demon returned as he place a hand on my shoulder.

Of course, I was right. As soon as he started speaking, the demon flew into my mobile phone and it beeped…”Your presence is required for general CDS at your PPA, by 10am. Stiff penalties would follow your absence. CLO.”

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